4月13日DallasのMarriott Quorumにて、草月ダラス支部50周年をお祝いしてデモンストレーションを致しました。
スー スミス、アミラ マツダさまをはじめ、支部の皆様には大変お世話になりました。無事に大役を果たすことができ、心から感謝しております。
In the evening of April 13th, I did a demonstration organized by the Sogetsu Dallas Branch at the Marriott Quorum to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. I created 8 arrangements.
I am very pleased that both the demonstration and workshops were enjoyed by many participants.
I am really grateful to Sogetsu Director Sue Smith, Event Chair Amira Matsuda and the committee members for all their invaluable support.
Kosa Nishiyama